Thursday, February 26, 2009

Graduate already?

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Today, I sat for the last paper of this semester. The last paper of my whole poly life in fact. Though the reality of "graduation" hv not really set in (reality = time to get a job!), it feels weird to know tt I will nv again see SP the way I hv seen it over the past 3 yrs. Its sad.

And for some reason, despite complaining a hell lot abt the system, I think I will miss school.

For starters, I no longer hv "exam stress" to blame when I nudge the mother to drive out and get me some snacks. Wahahaha!

Summer berries and cream is loveeeeeeee! Buying a hand-scooped pint is somehow just fresher than those sold at NTUC.. :P

Secondly, though the food is not all fabulous, they hv been a part and parcel of my life as a business student (foodcourt 6), my life as a pretty active cca member (foodcourt 3), my life as a typical unhealthy kid (foodcourt 5) and the v occasional macdonald breakfast during long 3 hr breaks (foodcourt 2).

My all-time favourite, strawberry and kiwi juice!!!! But I will nv forget the time I heard this weirdo in front of me order banana-durian. Ever. Tt sounds even more far-out than Cheeleng's mango-banana lah! :P

Not forgetting the architecture of the sch tt is rapidly changing as I type this.....

The soccer field I always rush past to get to the clubhouse. But I suppose I haven't really explored SP despite GEMS and having friends all over the campus. Sigh...

Me: Hey, where is T5 ah?
Hanming: 笨死了! 你在这里三年是干什么的?!
His kinder friend: Go straight, turn right.
Me: *paiseh*

Most importantly, I will not get to see friends daily even if its just a short "hello" along corridors or when we bump into each other in lifts. :(

Friends like Darren who buy stuff for me just coz it reminds him of me. Sweet anot?!

Special Mentions!

Cheeleng: Life in sch and out of sch would not be the same if I had not met you. Though sometimes I complain you neglect me and I sorta miss the Cheeleng you were back when I first knew you, somehow, our friendship hv blossomed beyond our wildest imaginations. I bet when you first got my number frm Tiffany and called me abt Finland, you wld not hv imagined us the way we are today. :) And for the occassions where we broke up or quarrelled with significant men and spent the night crying to each other, I thank god for blessing me with a friend in you.

Tiffany: Fate led us to be in the same cca guided tour ages ago. If it wasn't for you bugging me to sign-up for SPSE, this 3 yrs would hv passed really differently. Premium apple juice, hot milos, cancer causing french fries with alot alot of chilli sauce, vandalism of my lecture notes and BD. Need I say more on how special you are?

Serkee: For some reason, I always find myself thinking back to the night of April 30th, 2007, Zest and me had just broken up and you spent hrs talking to me as I cried below his block. Even though you were with Desmond and shld hv been too pre-occupied to deal with my issues, you actually put him on the other line so he could attempt to give me the guy perspective on things. You are truely someone who puts friends above others. :) I hv never racked up this issue before but really, thank you for being the person I turned to when I really couldn't stand being alone.

Jess: You are the most hardworking friend I have. Through you, I learnt alot abt determination and staying humble. I learnt how to value my family as I watch you shuttle between Malaysia and Singapore. I learnt how to balance work and play. I learnt how to give more and take less. :) China gave me the chance to live with you and although I make alot of noise when you boil not-so-sweet herbal tea for me whenever the weather got a little colder, I do appreciate the gesture. :)

Cairong: We may not interact much but for the same reason as Jess, the vitamins you made me take, the milk (for strong bones), the taking turns on the phone and when we boil water for each other to soak our feet aft a whole day out in Shanghai's blistering cold, the experience was irreplacable. Our messy room and act cute 逃难 bags will remain v fond memories. I was really touched when you sent tt msg on 15th Feb, "today last yr, was our first day in China." I'm glad you remembered coz I remembered too. :)

Darren: My best male friend! I don't know how to start but you do know tt every time I tease you or nag you or dash your hopes, I really do care right? Haha.. No point in listing everything out but still, thanks for everything you do. It means alot. :)

Guoquan, Evan and Kelvin: For lending me notes, for telling me tips, for helping me whenever and wherever, I really appreciate it. I don't know where we will go on frm here or if we would even keep in touch. But you guys made an impact upon me and for tt, I am grateful to have had the priviledge of knowing you.

Jessica: My best cca friend! I still rmbr how we were the only yr 1s thick-skin enough to "infiltrate" the exco back then and all the late night outings we had aft 55@sp followed by our friday meet-ups. We may now meet up alot lesser, the fun moments are still significant and will be something I will always look forward to. :) Let's nv lose touch yeah? Loves~

The original intention was to prepare lovepacks for everyone but I didn't really hv time. SORRY! So I did these for the BD mates for spending so so so many nights staying up, researching, compiling and editing the final yr project till ship-shape!

I really used an old typewriter to type the messages hor! 10 points for effort! Heheheh! If you bother to look closely, all the messages are slightly different. :P

Sweets for my sweet~

Cute cute hello kitty candy form hearts wor! ^^

Yvonne, Wanteng and Me! Fifi noob pangseh....

On a random note, my room is now Nippon's frost pink and my curtain is a piece of cloth held to the pole with a clothes pin. 0_o"

Finally, uninterupted sleep tonight. Sweet dreams all!


Btw, I just caught "he's just not that into you"... Really enlightening show tt left me thinking.

... Sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. How to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over...

Today has been an irony. And 8 NSmen on their Wednesday nights-off in a chick flick (w/o dates), just added to the irony. ;P


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